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I have been reading parts of Geert Lovink's book Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture. Lovink has been around the new media scene for a long time, since before the internet got ubiquitous. He says some pretty harsh/funny things about new media as a discipline in his chapter "The Cool Obscure." Here's a few zingers:
Digital aesthetics have developed a hyper-modern, formalist approach, and seem to lack the critical rigour of standard contemporary art pieces. (p.56)

Links to contemporary social movements are weak, and the awareness of basic postcolonial issues is often absent. This is not the case if we look at individual works, but certainly if we look at the way festivals and conferences are programmed. (p.58)

Putting content online is a last resort, but funnily enough it is not very popular among new media artists. The Internet is looked down upon by some as a primitive device, left to an in-crowd of Internet artists and discourse leaders who prefer to perform formalistic experiments, combined with a subversive political action every now and then...(p.58)

There is a widely spread belief that tech-based artworks have the potential to be genius. Supposedly there are not yet traces or fingerprints of society on recently developed technologies and the artist therefore has the full range of all possible forms of expression in front of him or her. [...] According to this "myth of the blank page," new media artists are not limited by existing cultural connotations because there are no media-specific references yet. It is the heroic task of the new media artist to define those cultural codes. (pp.50-1)
Lovink is worried about the viability and sustainability of new media art as a discipline. A lot of his criticism resonates with me, although of course I can think of lots of examples of awesome artworks that contradict his general thesis. He makes the disclaimer, however, that he is not addressing specific works, but rather new media institutions and general trends. Here's a bit that cracks me up:
Why did new media art miss out during the exuberant dotcom days and why do geeks and IT millionaires prefer buying cars and other middle class baubles of consumption, and turn their backs on their own art form? (p.40)
Um...cause for young guys who suddenly come into wads of cash, art is almost never the first thing on their mind? For artists who are used to juggling day jobs and multiple types of gigs to pay the rent, the idea that new media would provide some kind of ongoing access to big money might seem a little silly. But that only goes to prove Lovink's overall point:
Electronic art, an earlier synonym for new media art, is in crisis. So is virtual art and These carefully gated communities have proven incapable of communicating their urgency and beauty to their ever-rising (potential) audience. (p.41)
Lovink positions himself as a kind of whistleblower, and suggests:
...we urgently need to analyze the ideology of the excessive 1990s and its associated political consciousness of techno-libertarianism. If we do not disassociate new media quickly from that decade, and if we continue with the same rhetoric, the isolation of the new media sector will eventually result in its demise. Let's transform the new media buzz into something more interesting altogether before others do it for us. The will to subordinate to science is nothing more than a helpless adolescent gesture of powerlessness and victimhood. (p.68)

- sally mckay 12-08-2008 3:35 am [link] [6 comments]

Sunday Devotionals - Shirley Bassey

I Who Have Nothing



Spinning Wheel

- L.M. 12-07-2008 7:47 am [link] [5 comments]



- L.M. 12-06-2008 6:50 am [link] [add a comment]



- L.M. 12-06-2008 12:07 am [link] [add a comment]

Sally McKay graphically defends the Magna Carta to great success. (and great effect)

OK Harper made his appointment with the GG, so we'll know if he gets to cancel parliament for a month and rally or if the coalition will rule fair lovely Canada. Galenagalaxian told me about this petition. Or we could set cars on fire, or set cars on fire or maybe we could set fire to cars, or perhaps just setting fire to cars is what we can do. I'll think of something. I've got it, let's set cars on fire.

b/t/w I am a little bit confused about this blingee that Sally made. ...but it's very nice.

- L.M. 12-04-2008 7:18 am [link] [11 comments]


From the CBC:
"I've never seen the leader of a Conservative party, certainly not Bob Stanfield, certainly not Joe Clark, lie — I choose the word deliberately — the way Mr. Harper has," Broadbent said.

The former NDP leader, who helped negotiate Monday's deal between the New Democrats and the Liberals with the support of the Bloc Québécois, said Harper also lied when he said the three opposition leaders refused to sign their agreement in front of a Canadian flag because Gilles Duceppe, a Quebec sovereigntist, objected.

In fact, there were at least two flags present at Monday's signing ceremony, as well as a painting of the Fathers of Confederation.

- L.M. 12-03-2008 7:36 pm [link] [6 comments]