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I just discovered that you find out the most obscure things when you google Fiddleback Chasuble Sightings. At this site, I learned that they were considered forbidden and reactionary in some circles. (Exactly who is in these circles, is unclear, also I don't know where I stand in relation to this controversy. I am not currently oppressed by this issue, but perhaps I will be in the future if I give it some more thought, and if so, a scathing indictment will follow on this blog. All I can say for the moment is that it just made me go all soft and squishy on them.) (but I could easily turn on a dime) Don't forget to check his link for the
wildly popular biretta sightings.

- L.M. 4-06-2005 2:17 am [link] [1 comment]

nobody in cardinal clutches

A further indictment of Maradiaga's prospective papacy is that he has been known to display a cavalier and blatant disregard for certain other Cardinals that he believes to be of little consequence.

- L.M. 4-05-2005 10:41 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]


Another very interesting candidate is Oscar Andrés Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga from the Honduras. According to the ADL's web site:
"The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed outrage at comments made by a Honduran Catholic Cardinal that implied an alleged Jewish manipulation of the American media. Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, in a May interview with the Italian-Catholic publication 30 Giorni, claimed Jews influenced the media to exploit the current controversy regarding sexual abuse by Catholic priests in order to divert attention from the Israeli-Palestinian crisis."

More on him from The Panama News.

Is he good for the Jews? I think not. (He's also bad for the children.)

b/t/w Bernard Francis Cardinal Law, former Archbishop of the Boston Archdiocese (former, because he wasn't good for the children either), is eligible to vote in the papal elections. But, he is not considered to be in the running because he is an American.
- L.M. 4-05-2005 7:27 am [link] [2 comments]


Next on our media favourites list is Francis Cardinal Arinze, the Nigerian Cardinal. A sweet old guy by all accounts. His African background sensitises him to the aids epidemic on that continent and he holds the belief that the church must immediately change its stand on condom use.

HA HA! JUST SCREWING WITH YOUR HEAD! Cardinal Ratzinger (who I am becoming quite obsessed with) is a major supporter his candidacy, so no condoms for you!

- L.M. 4-05-2005 2:32 am [link] [4 comments]

papal mug
Image posted of behalf of L.M. What's that slogan?

UPDATE: L.M. says, "Putting the smackdown on heresy since 1981."

- sally mckay 4-04-2005 10:27 pm [link] [4 comments]

According to many news sources, Joseph Cardinal C, is considered a front runner in the upcoming papal elections. As you know, customary humility does not allow Cardinals to express any desire for this office or to openly promote their papal ambitions. Fortunately this particular Cardinal has a fan site: and I think his web advocate does well in describing many of the reasons for his appeal.

Please note that the site does clarify the distinction between being a member of the Hitler Youth and actually joining the Nazi party.
- L.M. 4-04-2005 9:06 pm [link] [3 comments]