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Lorna Mills and Sally McKay
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posted a Video Supplement (a while ago but I never noticed)

Libby Hague and Vent du Nord May 1- 31 as part of le Mois de l’art imprimé,
ARPRIM, 372 , Ste-Catherine Ouest, #426 Montreal.
Gallery hours: Tues. - Sat. 9:30 - 5pm

36 items: 6 ft. stalks of corn (woodcut)
100 items: 9 ft. lengths of yellow ribbon (sunshine)
theatre gels (also sunshine)
12 x 4 ft. storm with fields and various buildings ( woodcut panorama)
snowflakes ( innumerable)
storm clouds
1 avalanche for Isabelle (small, private)
3 fans (on)
3 gusts of wind ( invisible)
seeds (cut paper)
diverse furniture items (collection of ARPRIM)
the public ( a curious, random variable)
Tamias minimus, Petromyscus maniculatus, Mus musculus ( almost hidden woodcuts)

Sunday Devotionals

For the past five decades Jack T Chick has been writing comics about damnation. InThe publishing house that Jack Chick built still exists. (the next question would be why I am so surprised that it does
the pocket-sized tracts, people are stabbed, burned alive, and eaten by snakes. There
is cannibalism and human sacrifice. The apocalyptic works are equal parts hate
literature and fire-and-brimstone sermonising, with a tough-guy Christ - "Jesus is not a
weak fairy," he writes - as protagonist. Chick, a fundamentalist Christian and president
of a California-based publishing company, wants his books to scare the hell out of you.

(Hey Anthony! shout-out.)

And my personal favourite: Are Roman Catholics Christians?

Here's a Chick parody site and there's an on-line Jack Chick Museum.
Suzy Lake - Rhythm of a True Space installed in front of the AGO on 37' and 19' hoarding
at the corner of Dundas and McCaul streets, Toronto

(Then after a hard day cleaning up after all of you, the ladies can take a bath)
Cheryl Sourkes - Parking on Personal Webcams at Peak Gallery 23 Morrow Ave., Toronto
Opening: Saturday, May 3, 4 to 8pm