GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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Ways of Something web site is finally launched.

- L.M. 12-13-2017 9:56 am [link] [add a comment]

I'm choosing my final Flint portrait from Danger Dogs

- L.M. 12-11-2017 9:10 am [link] [7 comments]

- L.M. 11-13-2017 1:17 pm [link] [add a comment]

Carlo Cesta - Complex Corner  2017

- L.M. 11-09-2017 11:11 am [link] [add a comment]

The first of three portraits of Flint. This one was painted by Dilip in Nepal.

Courtesy of A Michelle Page and her Danger Dog Blog.


- L.M. 11-05-2017 10:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

November – Night Skies Over Turtle Island: Indigenous perspectives on the cosmos

November 2nd, 2017 – 8:00 PM

Medical Science Macleod Auditorium (1 King’s College Circle.) Toronto, ON

(I wish there was an image credit for this work on their site)

- L.M. 10-31-2017 11:20 am [link] [add a comment]