11 most endangered historic places 2004

including 2 columbus circle

- bill 5-25-2004 7:58 pm

Interesting list. I didn't know an entire state could be endangered, but sure, why not?!..(I guess especially if Wal Mart is invading)
Re: 2 Columbus Circle's inclusion
Pretty political stand for the National Trust, no?

- selma 5-26-2004 3:25 am [add a comment]

house huggers


neutra 2
- bill 5-26-2004 7:32 am [add a comment]

i think they'll just take anyone on who wants to mess with american architecture. this from todays nyt. a while back i visited vermont and noticed that they had diamond shaped road signs sporting the profile of a spinnning wheel indicating you were entering an antiquing district. they either cropped the picture of the sign in that link or i was wrong about the diamond shape.

- bill 5-26-2004 4:11 pm [add a comment]

I didn't see this in today's paper. Thank you.
Care to share about the "house huggers" photos, or am I missing something - which is most likely?
- selma 5-27-2004 3:28 am [add a comment]

thats the neutra house in houston. how much could it cost ?
- bill 5-27-2004 4:06 am [add a comment]

  • Actually it's in Brownsville. There are a few modern designs that infiltrate the mixture of spralling ranch-style and ante-bellum-ish McMansions in Houston. They tend to be reviled by most suburbanites.
    - mark 5-27-2004 11:37 pm [add a comment]

  • how come so many Texans on Digital Media Tree?
    - sally mckay 5-28-2004 12:12 am [add a comment]

    • "If you weren't surprised by the designs unveiled this past week for the centerpieces of downtown Dallas' Arts District, you should be playing the stock market.

      A red opera house? A vertical theater? It was all so strange -- and brilliant, too." Star-Telegram, with images (Dallas/Ft. Worth)

      - selma 6-16-2004 6:53 pm [add a comment]

  • we met at a fuck you im texan party one thursday.
    - bill 5-28-2004 12:31 am [add a comment]

  • Here's where I revert to my roots and say native Texans are natural talkers and bullshitters and it carries over to cyber-conversations. Y'all.
    - tom moody 5-28-2004 12:44 am [add a comment]

  • I am not now nor have I ever been a Texan. I live a privileged life on an estate on top of a hill above a postcard quaint village in Virginia, where everything costs more than it should except for the Guinness Stout and it only costs 7.75 per six pack. I do not know these other people who profess to be Texans but I suspect they are, each and every one, imposters at best, or possibly worse, Mississipians. But no bullshit, what the fuck you lookin at?
    - jimlouis 5-28-2004 2:50 am [add a comment]

Maybe not so much... but then you would have to live in Texas.
- selma 5-27-2004 6:48 pm [add a comment]

ive tried it (living in texas) and its no longer an option.
- bill 5-27-2004 7:05 pm [add a comment]

I don't mean to be mean about Texas. I am sure there are plenty of fine people in Texas (someone has to live there. And there is a lot of land). I went to Fort Worth last year, I was there two days. That is all I know of Texas.
- selma 5-27-2004 7:14 pm [add a comment]

fort worth is a pretty cruddy town. except for angelo's bbq and a couple of world class museums.

- bill 5-27-2004 7:23 pm [add a comment]

I went to Angelo's!
(after my first - and hopefully last - rodeo experience. I have to say the rodeo is not at all like it seems in the movies).
And, the museums are wonderful. I was thrilled to experience Kahn's Kimbell. But was disappointed by the new Ando. I know people seem to really like it, but something about the scale did not work for me.

- selma 5-27-2004 7:38 pm [add a comment]

o, I also went to a "bar" that was something like the "world's biggest inside saloon?" I can't remember what it is called, I am blocking it out.
- selma 5-27-2004 7:42 pm [add a comment]

Billy Bob's.
- tom moody 5-27-2004 7:49 pm [add a comment]

of course, thank you. The World's Largest Honky Tonk.
"provides fun for 6000+ people with a concert stage, dance floor, restaurant, arcade, casino, live bull riding arena and.."
- selma 5-27-2004 7:58 pm [add a comment]

I was born in Texas and spent many years there (mixed with stretches on the East Coast) before finally settling in NY. I was never much into Texana, but I saw a great act at the Mesquite Rodeo (east of Dallas). They had a Capuchin monkey dressed up in Western duds, riding on a dog's back with a little saddle, chasing sheep around the inside of the ring. The dog, at least, was a pretty effective herder, and the monkey played the part, rearing back in the saddle and letting out a screech when the "dogies" were successfully corralled. It was pretty freaky, and I admit I laughed my ass off.

- tom moody 5-27-2004 8:31 pm [add a comment]

Some people I know that live in NY - but originate from Texas - have what they call a "F*ck You We're From Texas" party every year.
- selma 5-27-2004 8:36 pm [add a comment]

I've gone native. Meaning I've lost a lot of my accent and use big words in conversation with impunity.
- tom moody 5-27-2004 8:53 pm [add a comment]

  • he thinks...
    - bill 5-27-2004 8:55 pm [add a comment]

  • ...yeah, thinking, that's where the trouble starts...
    - alex 5-27-2004 8:58 pm [add a comment]

  • We ain't granted you no impunity, sumabitch.
    - jimlouis 5-28-2004 2:52 am [add a comment]

i didnt like the front fascade of that ando at all but thought the inside was great, scale and all, but especially all the sturdy building materials. jim louis is also a texan. we all got the f out of there.

- bill 5-27-2004 8:54 pm [add a comment]

  • It's not all bad, had a few swell moments, still have some love there.
    - jimlouis 5-28-2004 2:56 am [add a comment]

  • wow, this thread is all over the place. But I like it.
    I have a pair of cowboy boots I got when I was thirteen. I was being shipped out to Montana for some clean air (I also had a cool cowboy shirt with faux mother of pearl snap buttons). The boots still fit and sometimes, not often but sometimes, when I am feeling a bit vulnerable I wear them - they make me feel a bit tougher, a bit more prepared to face the world.
    I didn't know I have been talking with so many texans.
    I like ya'll.
    I am a bit of a parrot in that when I travel I tend to pick up momentary accents. Southern is a good one - and one I seem not to be able to resist.
    Ando –I just think he was not meant to do Texas BIG (my one lasting impression of my two days was "everything is so darn' BIG"). I felt his details - for which I admire his work - got lost. The footprint of the building was strange too. Did you drive around the back? Inside, I found the circulation disconcerting. Martin Puryear’s piece looked terrific in the space.

    - selma 5-28-2004 6:28 pm [add a comment]

  • thanks for lettin' us talk at you.

    - bill 5-28-2004 7:23 pm [add a comment]

    • speaking of talking, thought I would say I will be traveling for a little while and doubt I will have access to a computer.
      Take care now y'all hear.
      - selma 5-28-2004 9:15 pm [add a comment]

    • safe returns.
      - bill 5-28-2004 9:38 pm [add a comment]

    • will miss you Selma! check in.
      - sally mckay 5-28-2004 10:32 pm [add a comment]

    • Vaya con dios
      - jimlouis 5-29-2004 3:26 am [add a comment]

I'm a Texan-in-recovery also. Within two months of moving to California, "y'all" was purged from my vocabulary. My favorite visit to Houston was during one of my drives to New Orleans. I passed through the Houston metro area in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning at an average speed in excess of 80 mph. If you've got to see Houston, that's the way to do it.
- mark 5-27-2004 11:32 pm [add a comment]

my bad, mark too. coyboys who know when to get the hell out of dodge.
- bill 5-28-2004 12:11 am [add a comment]

Another one of those discontinuous threads.
- tom moody 5-28-2004 12:45 am [add a comment]

thats right...

- bill 5-28-2004 3:23 am [add a comment]

...and the people there...
- alex 5-28-2004 5:58 am [add a comment]

Brad Cloepfil/Alliedworks imploded and rebuilt the guts of an ice warehouse for client/nike-ad-empire Wieden & Kennedy. I've spent many hours lighting, rigging and viewing various dance, music and art exhibitions in the building which, FWIW, I think is pretty much a masterpiece.
Poking around the website for the Wieden & Kennedy pages is worth the effort.
- steve 5-28-2004 7:51 pm [add a comment]

I thought it was a very very smart smart space (and actually thought to my self while being toured through - how can I get a job here I would like to work in this environment).
They do dance, music and art exhibitions there? I remember an indoor amphitheatre-type space (like the Prada store in New York). Have you seen his design for 2 Columbus Circle?

- selma 5-28-2004 8:53 pm [add a comment]

They host many public and private events and exhibitions in that amphitheatre-type space, the bleacher like seating of which doubles as steps from the mezanine to the second floor.
I think I did see a concept drawing of the outside of 2 Columbus somewhere on the web.
- steve 5-28-2004 10:57 pm [add a comment]

Hi. thanks. only gone a bit over a week, leaving tomorrow a.m. I get scared traveling. Didnt mean to make a big thing - it is only in my head. steve: http://www.wirednewyork.com/forum/topic.cgi?forum=4&topic=584&start=20
I wish I knew Russian for talk with you later.
- anonymous (guest) 5-29-2004 6:11 am [add a comment]

  • opps (already disconnected) signed, selma
    - anonymous (guest) 5-29-2004 6:12 am [add a comment] [edit]

2 Columbus Circle Makes Group's List of Threatened Sites
Published: June 21, 2005
Edward Durell Stone's porthole-studded building at 2 Columbus Circle, Mexico City's historic center and every "cultural heritage" site in Iraq have been added to the World Monuments Fund watch list of most endangered sites, to be released today. Preservationists have been protesting plans to reclad and recreate 2 Columbus Circle as the new home of the Museum of Arts and Design, arguing that the 1964 building represents a turning point in Modernist design.
Allied Works, per Steve (above).
According to the American Craft Museum's website they are still opening in 2007.
- selma 6-21-2005 4:27 pm [add a comment]