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dumpling house on eldridge underwent a reno over new years and i just paid them my first visit. id often go to the dumpling place on allen because it was quicker and less chaotic. its still quicker but the food is undeniably better and the menu is more expansive on eldridge and now theyve mitigated some of the chaos by adding a numbered check system. no more elbowing for space at the counter and hoping to get served. plus they added another storefront so its spacious (by comparison) and the kitchen is much larger so the food prep is faster. all this did not come without a cost however as dumplings are now 4 for $1 instead of 5. normally id howl at such price gouging but ill wait until the move to 3 for a buck.

now ive got to go. my roast pork noodle soup is getting cold.
- dave 1-28-2008 9:09 pm [link] [3 comments]