Sound like a vitamin-P person we know?
- b. 5-29-2009 8:09 pm

Baconnaise???!!?!? Genius.
- jim 5-29-2009 8:21 pm [add a comment]

its imPORKant to make sure the starting ingredients are good, i.e. heritage and chem free.....

once my flush ends i am getting some Flying Pig sausage, and bacon and wrap the bacon arround the sausage and deep fry them in Flying Pigs lard

but i think i will do a couple days of fruit first
- Skinny 5-29-2009 8:39 pm [add a comment]

the ingredients here are nasty:<((
- Skinny 5-29-2009 8:42 pm [add a comment]

you shouldnt even be reading this skinny during your cleansing.

- bill 5-29-2009 9:00 pm [add a comment]

the hardest part is the vino......NEED CHAMPAGNE BAD!!
- Skinny 5-29-2009 9:23 pm [add a comment]

poor Skinny
- sarah 6-02-2009 3:11 pm [add a comment]

felt great, people said i looked 5 years younger yesterday so i cellebrated by drinking 06 and 07 Tempier Rose, and mow I feel OLD
- Skinny 6-02-2009 3:22 pm [add a comment]

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