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Large Mill Stage 1

Large Mill, 1995, acrylic, gouache, ink, and pencil on paper, 90" X 88" (Stage One)

Large Mill Stage 2

Stage Two

Large Mill Stage 3

Final Version

never exhibited--done right before I moved to NY and started working with a computer. the piece got more difficult to look at as it was completed--by the end it was impossible for very long without retinal strain and headaches--the early stages appear tasteful in the polaroid scans but the colors are pretty artificial and obnoxious in person--I contemplated stopping the process and calling it done at many stages but pressed on out of some innate sense of responsibility to the initial premise. the "disc" design was originally based on paintings of rolled-up silk seen end-on in a Russian constructivist-influenced painting, I think by Liubov Popova.

- tom moody 12-12-2006 9:40 pm [link] [5 comments]

The vertexList blog has a report on the DiVa (Digital Art and Video) art fair in Miami and some pictures of the shipping container on the beach where my and some other New Yorkers' work was showing. One gathers from that blog and Paddy Johnson's that the event was...underpromoted. Fairs suck, and a few posts back I offered showing in a shipping container as one of the few things helping to prop up my self-image as an aloof avant gardist. A reader then jumped in and proceeded to demolish the very idea of showing in a container in a couple of unstinting, scorched earth comments. These went a long way towards knocking out my last strut of personal dignity. Seeing the vertexList pictures helped revive it, though--in that the images of the white metal boxes on the sand with palm trees in the background seemed kind of romantic to me. As I said in that comment thread, I am proud to have shown in Miami and appreciate my shot at the big time.

- tom moody 12-12-2006 5:19 pm [link] [3 comments]


93 kilobytes of RAM (ha ha).

- tom moody 12-11-2006 6:36 pm [link] [1 comment]

This is an excerpt from a Dec. 5 Salon piece by Cintra Wilson on presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani. Steve Gilliard has more of it, and discusses in detail Giuliani's penchant for publicly abusing his "loved ones":
There is something deranged about you ... this excessive concern with little weasels is a sickness ... you should go consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist with this excessive concern, how you are devoting your life to weasels. You need somebody to help you. There are people in this city and in this world that need a lot of help. Something has gone wrong with you.

-- New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani on his radio show, to a ferret advocate, after imposing New York's 2001 ferret ban

The attack on the twin towers blew a hole in downtown Manhattan and in our collective memory. Osama bin Laden and company did a better P.R. job for Giuliani than spin ghouls Hill & Knowlton ever did for Dick Nixon. He made everyone but the most grouchy and resentful New Yorkers [like me --tm] forget that before planes crashed into the World Trade Center, Rudy was a hyper-authoritarian narcissist with a lust for overkill verging on the sociopathic.

And now, at a time when the machinations of another hubristic bully have brought an unprecedented expansion of the powers of the presidency, "America's Mayor" may be our next chief executive. He is neck and neck with John McCain when Americans are asked their preference for the next occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It is alarming to think that the murky dealings and totalitarian tendencies that have marred the current administration could flourish even more under another control-junkie Republican. It is even more frightening to think what a commander in chief who already has a violent record of abusing authority could do with the unrestrained might of a geopolitical superpower. Given Giuliani's historic willingness to take Spanish Inquisition-style action against threats both real and imaginary, is anyone in doubt that it is every American's duty to keep Rudolph Giuliani as far from the White House as possible?

- tom moody 12-11-2006 6:23 pm [link] [4 comments]

miami basel hell

Photo by Paddy Johnson of the inside of a Borg cube--I mean, Art Basel Miami. This is where artists are assimilated, er, discovered. Their difference adds to the perfection of the Hive Mind, that is, "provides a spiritual lift to the buyer for cash." In any case, resistance is futile.

(You gotta love the irony--the owner class extracts capital from cube farm labor, then seeks personal fullfillment and the pressure release of excess money buildup through art a cube farm.)

- tom moody 12-10-2006 12:28 pm [link] [6 comments]

"Mathematical Eyes": numinous, too-somber-to-be-camp new music and vid from Black Replica and Heinrich Mueller (aka Arpanet, Dopplereffekt, etc) [YouTube]. Cocteau meets David Lynch for an afternoon LARP (just covering my ass here for the naysayers). The intermesh of the music and moving images dazzles, and the shots with the alien child both move and chill.

Black Replica

The Black Replica MySpace page, with some more songs, is here. Via Drexciya Research Lab, a great blog, website, and MySpace page concerning all things James Stinson (r.i.p.) and Gerald Donald. (Detroit electro musicians as important as Coltrane and Sun Ra, if listeners can "take their minds to another level," to quote a Drexciya song, probably a collaboration betw. the two artists)

- tom moody 12-09-2006 6:38 pm [link] [add a comment]

"Ionic Baroque (Dance Mix)" [5.9 MB .mp3]

A recently posted song revised and extended. A beat comes up in the middle where there used to be a-rhythmic semi-collapse and establishes what can only, fairly, be called a "groove," lasting from about 2/3 of the way through to the end. I'm fairly happy with the production and overall sound balance of this track. It's a nerdy piece, probably not too popular, but I plan to do more of them.

- tom moody 12-08-2006 5:11 am [link] [5 comments]

DiVa Fair

Someone assumed from a previous post that because I had work at the Digital Art and Video Fair (see above) that I was going to Miami. I AM NOT GOING TO MIAMI. It's bad enough having to see work by artists like Takashi Murakami in NY, much less having to travel to see it.

But, um, I certainly appreciate artMovingProjects taking my work down there so I can stay here in my ivory tower. The DiVa fair is being held in shipping containers on the beach, so a certain aesthetic distance is maintained from the general orgy of commerce. As befits the true vanguard.

- tom moody 12-07-2006 11:09 pm [link] [22 comments]