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Marianne Nowottny will be performing @ Tonic this Saturday @ 8:00 pm. I hope to be going.

Marianne Nowottny at 8:00pm, $10

"New Jersey teen Marianne Nowottny returns to Tonic this evening with her torchy resin voice, off-kilter harmonics and Radio Shack keyboard. Nowottny is able to glide through scale modulation seemingly effortlessly, stopping at random quarter-tones and angular intervals that are unique and hyper-personal. Her song compositions, which explore multi-layers of sound and textures, can be compared to the early electronic music experiments of John Pfeiffer or the pop- music simulations of Brian Eno. "Marianne Nowottny is a delicately balanced combination of warped teenage nihilism, otherworldly visitation and sheer joy-in-creation." - David Keenan The Wire

107 Norfolk Street
(Between Delancey & Rivington)
212-358-7501 /

- bill 3-13-2001 4:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

I am in the process of switching over the picture handling system. I'm moving all the pictures out of the database and into the filesystem. Hopefully you will not notice anything about this change (everything will work exactly as before, although theoretically a tiny bit faster.) If you do notice anything is amiss with any photos please let me know here ASAP. I'll keep the old system in place (but not operating) for several days just in case I need to switch back. Thanks.
- jim 3-12-2001 3:56 pm [link] [3 comments]

This site may be known to some of you, but Bill said he hadn't seen Fabulous Ruins of Detroit, so I'm posting the link. It's definitely worth a look.
- Tom Moody 3-11-2001 4:58 am [link] [add a comment]

ebay question (bill): how do i not get items for which "bidding is closed" in my search? i must say, i am not a happy first-time user thus far.
- linda 3-09-2001 7:35 pm [link] [9 comments]

metafilter stats
- dave 3-09-2001 4:09 pm [link] [add a comment]

ummm. not my list but...
- dave 3-08-2001 6:17 pm [link] [4 comments]

treehouse art as metaphor
- dave 3-08-2001 4:56 pm [link] [1 comment]

Can anyone with IE on Windows (or just anyone that was having these troubles) comment on the formatting on the discussion pages? Is it still bold? Otherwise screwed up? Thanks.
- jim 3-08-2001 2:23 pm [link] [17 comments]

Just heard something on the radio about a prosecuter named Jordan trying to convince the justice department to go after promotors at "rave clubs" (are there such places?) for creating a culture which supports drug use, specifically extacy. He is arguing that they can bust them for the posession and sales of bottled water. It being "harmless and legal" on it's own but since it is needed by the drugged out, dehydrated raver it can be classified as drug paraphanalia. In addition, the report mentioned something about him also considering the baby pacifiers which are sold at the clubs as paraphanalia. (This one I do support) I didn't hear the whole report and hadn't had my cup of Typhoo so I'm a bit fuzzy on the details (what's new?) And I haven't seen anything on the net about it. So I can't claim a scoop. Dave? Jim? Heard anything about this?
- steve 3-08-2001 2:01 pm [link] [5 comments]

And you thought it was Tinky Winky.
- alex 3-07-2001 3:08 pm [link] [add a comment]

I think it was last night I read Dave's iditarod post, cruelty to animals and whatnot, and it was no doubt the seed for the dream I had this morning in my sleeping bag on the floor at Rocheblave which had me harnessed to a pitbull puppy being dragged about the mundane chores of my life except the pitbull wasn't much of a mule and he had to stop and play every few minutes, and then pee on something.
- jimlouis 3-07-2001 12:51 am [link] [2 comments]

this is kind of interesting. check out your name transliterated into chinese. im figuring my name dai wei to mean great guardian.
- dave 3-06-2001 5:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

tweet tweet
- dave 3-05-2001 10:58 pm [link] [2 refs] [add a comment]

is new york flaking out?
- dave 3-05-2001 10:38 pm [link] [4 comments]

what happened? did she go nuts?
- dave 3-05-2001 8:57 pm [link] [3 comments]

as long we are talking wacky packs, check out the latest -- people cards.
- dave 3-05-2001 6:12 pm [link] [1 ref] [add a comment]

anybody catch andrew weil on 60 minutes? i saw this little exchange which dovetailed nicely with my own amateurish theories. somehow i had the notion that fear/stress can be related to allergies.
- dave 3-05-2001 5:15 pm [link] [2 comments]

Cinefiles is up. Go crazy. Let me know what is broken.

I know there are some problems cropping up with our increase in usage. Particularly on the discussion pages. The way I am making the indentations to show the nesting of comments is not scaling. My guess is this is particularly apparent in Navigator (which doesn't like so many nested tables.) On the really long threads it might even seem like your computer crashed, but it's just thinking. (Remember, if you get into trouble on the mac - command-option-escape will force quit Navigator, and then you can start it right up again.) Anyway, I now see how to do it without nested tables (which aren't really a good idea, I now see why.) Hang in there. Help is on the way. One thing you can do in the meantime is to try to post comments from the top link on the comments page so that there aren't so many levels of nesting going on.
- jim 3-05-2001 4:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

drat fink references a Malcolm Gladwell New Yorker piece about McDonalds, which I had seen earlier today via Arts & Letters Daily. I couldn't quite believe what I was reading: Gladwell's proposals for "better junk food" include using Olestra (of "anal leakage" fame) to make McDonalds fries, and reviving the McLean burger (the processed meat was good, he says, all it needed was better promotion). The piece reads like an advertorial for scientifically-enhanced food: it made me wonder who's paying the New Yorker's bills these days.
- Tom Moody 3-05-2001 3:43 am [link] [1 comment]

According to AOL, you northeasterners are "hunkering down" for the big storm. Is that true, and could I have an example?
- jimlouis 3-05-2001 1:52 am [link] [1 ref] [6 comments]

So what's going on with the film page? Did we decide on a name? Bill, are you actually going to start going to movies?
- steve 3-05-2001 1:28 am [link] [6 comments]

ahhhhh. college days. i dont know whats funnier, the picture or the page itself.
- dave 3-03-2001 11:52 pm [link] [2 refs] [add a comment]

I always wondered about Dave's business model. This shocking photo reveals the truth. Who'd have thought?
- jim 3-03-2001 6:26 pm [link] [add a comment]

no time to kiss these 14 century old Buddhist statues goodbye
- steve 3-03-2001 2:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

- steve 3-03-2001 2:28 pm [
link] [add a comment]