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Oooooooooo, Harper baby. Say my name! Say my name!


Débat des chefs!

Dernier affrontement de la campagne!

Les chefs des quatre grands partis fédéraux croiseront le fer en français, ce soir, pour la dernière fois avant le scrutin du 23 janvier.

- L.M. 1-11-2006 2:17 am [link] [8 comments]


Debate Night.

Prepare yourself to writhe and squirm with embarrassment, because we need to be reminded about why we have nothing but contempt for the whole lot. (that's the healthy attitude)

I'll add my prediction that Martin will campaign against George Bush. If he can inspire some more pissy little lectures from U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins, things will look up for him. (we know we're being manipulated, but still, we love that sort of thing)

- L.M. 1-09-2006 7:04 pm [link] [2 comments]


A slightly twee, but none the less amusing, article, about two geriatric Italians arguing whether Jesus existed or not (a current lawsuit in the Italian courts.)


And my other spiritual query today: Why can't the Dalai Lama make a choice?

- L.M. 1-08-2006 8:35 pm [link] [12 comments]

Whenever election time pollsters call me I swear at them before I hang up (also do that to friends and clients, it's a general policy of mine), but according to recent polls, it's starting to look like Harper's natural down-home charm is working on more voters. (and no, this isn't a call for strategic voting)


The fact that no one is hearing a peep out of any other conservatives or their support organizations seems to help. (no gay bashing, no stomping on Quebec flags, no chaining themselves to abortion clinics, it's like they've all been tied up and locked in some basement, with promises that they'll be released once there is a conservative government)

Back in mid December, this wee bit of obsequious ankle licking, from a 1997 speech to the Council for National Policy, an American think tank, rose up to bite him in the butt, but Harper's pals assured us that he was really just doing a parody himself, like a performance art thingy ...really.
- L.M. 1-07-2006 11:27 pm [link] [2 comments]

olivia chowIf you are reading this blog, and you live in my neighbourhood you are probably already going to vote for Olivia Chow. The reason is she's super cool (pro cities, bikes, transit, kids, old people, education. All the stuff that seems obvious...). Plus, the NDP don't suck. I hate that so-called strategic bullshit where people lay big trips on each other to vote for crappy lame candidates when there's somebody really good on the ballot. And Olivia can maybe beat the liberal (Ianno...yawn) in our riding. By the way, did you know she went to OCA? Art vote! Art vote!

- sally mckay 1-06-2006 12:17 am [link] [5 comments]

We didn't do a top ten here this year due to distractions (visiting, working and shooting zombies in Resident Evil 4 with Joester). But these guys did a really fun Best of the Web for 2005.
[Via Tom Moody]

Also, if you are into new years thingies, just posted their famous annual Q.& A. Last year the question was ""What do you believe is true eventhough you cannot prove it?" " This year's is "What is your dangerous idea?"

- sally mckay 1-05-2006 10:59 pm [link] [3 comments]