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earcon (aka John Parker, other aliases) has put up a web page version of our "Mods and Rockers" show installation in Toronto. Video versions of the GIFs played on separate screens while the sound file was listenable through headphones.

same as below but set at 20 frames per second. on my PC Firefox plays it at 20 but IE won't play any GIF above 10.
Same GIF at 580 pixels square (265 KB--each GIF frame is 580 X 580, it's not just scaled up in html)
...and 580 pixels square, 10 frames per sec (also 265 KB--not quite ready to exceed 100KB on the main blog page yet).
any comments on the relative success or failure of these different sizes and speeds would be appreciated. I'm trying to get some "optimum" standards across browsers and machines.

"3 Boxes" GIF by Jack Masters or Kasey Kite X 4 (repost)
Radio interview here with Seymour Hersh about his New Yorker revelations that the US and Saudis are funding al Qaeda, the group that attacked the US on 9/11, as a supposed check on Iran, which the US foolishly empowered by invading Iraq in '03. The Sunni jihadis are already setting up shop in Lebanon to combat Hezbollah. Elliott Abrams, the same person who brought you "selling arms to the Iranians to fund the Nicaraguan contras" in the '80s, is behind this cynical mess of a policy. And President Cheney, of course. Will Congress stop the treachery?