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I've been patiently waiting for this story to break as it seems like the best (only?) hope of disrupting our beltway overlords. Next week Josh Marshall is going to post an interview with Joseph Wilson. If you don't know who he is you hopefully will soon. Here's the starter piece, but it gets way more interesting from there. After the Niger debacle described in the first piece, Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was identified as an undercover CIA agent by "senior administration officials" to Robert Novak as reported in this article. Yes, she was outed by her own team! My understanding is that whether or not this was done to take some revenge on Wilson, the act of revealing a CIA agents identity is, shall we say, highly illegal. Like go to jail style illegal. And now Wilson himself is suggesting that the "senior official" in question is Karl Rove.

I am very much looking forward to this interview. I believe the press is dodging this story because it is just too incredibly hot. The pressure to keep the lid on this must be intense, as we are talking about the puppet master himself. But they won't be able to keep it quiet if people like Josh Marshall keep digging. This could be a very important story.