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4 matchs for robert+anton+wilson:

Keep the lasagna flying: Robert Anton Wilson, R.I.P..

I'm never sure whether to be embarrassed or not that Wilson's The Illuminatus Trilogy was the book that had the biggest impact on my thinking. I was so sad when I finished because I wanted it to go on forever. I wish he could have as well.
Finally saw final fantasy. Cheesy love story mixed in with a so so new age spiritual story. But the graphics are really fun, and the technology depicted is awesome. Very glad I saw it, but if you don't like futuristic information technology gadgets, don't bother...

Well, unless you're really into hair.

Also saw The Gospel according to Philip K. Dick which, despite the very interesting subject, seemed pretty hackish to me. The cartoon interludes are unbearable. I guess hearing Robert Anton Wilson makes it worth it, but just barely. Only for die hard Dick fans, and even they will be disappointed.