100 pushups
first mtms

quizshow 'n' tell
NYC roof decks.
queen of the coop.
nutella snack and drink
thats gold, jerry?
Happy PDB Day
loco foco
taking woodstock
in case you missed it...ron suskind in a bikini.

coffee stout
homestyle granita
how green is my cable
golden oldies -- templars sue pope.
Courthouse Confessions -- "A dog can take a pee and I can't. I guess they have more rights then I do. Right. I'm watching a cop ride a horse taking a dump that I got to ride over on my bicycle and I can't take a piss on a pile of trash. You know. Fuck."
from russia with love
Acme Smoked Fish Corp.

Comcast tried to stop it. Telecom-funded politicians tried to discourage it. Big Media tried to de-legitimize it. But nothing could stop the people-powered movement to hold Comcast accountable for illegally blocking Internet content. Today, the FCC issued a punishment that has Network Neutrality opponents cringing and the rest of us popping champagne. In a landmark decision, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein approved a bipartisan “enforcement order” that would require Comcast to stop blocking and publicly disclose its methods for manipulating Internet traffic.
more from todays nyt
bray of pigs