via kottke

the market and the chatter
Jim flora

not a parody.

Next Saturday night (i.e. Sunday morning) TCM will again be showing the block of experimental films I mentioned in this thread. Starts with this documentary at 2:00 am, followed by a series of short films, including classics like Meshes of the Afternoon and then Ken Jacobs’ Orchard Street at 3:50 am. Worth a DVR if you’re not a night owl. Schedule.

polyculture garden

your buddy gibby haynes is on the daily show tonight.

Plywood rocking chair ...
Calders fractals
being fab

el sombrero es finito.

Maestro: (Wes Anderson)

Spring comes early here....Nettle Pesto Rissotto w/ Chives and Arugula Rabe

I think I mentioned this before, but a kid from my (and b.'s) high school (long after we were there obviously) has gone on to be quite a basketball player: Nik Stauskas. He's a guard on the second seed University of Michigan squad, and Big Ten player of the year.

When we were in school the basketball team was pitiful (I played varsity!) but now has become something of a powerhouse. Back in the day we were known for hockey, with 3 players who were there during our years (out of ~400 in the entire school) making it to the NHL. Not sure how these things work, and why they suddenly are good at basketball. Maybe you recruit the right coach? Or just get lucky with a great player and then others follow?

In any case, Go Lions. Or something.
gnarly forage
transit maps of the world

the simplest explanation for the missing plane

driftwood forts of the Oregon coast
balanced rocks
legendary lands

538 relaunch