im a head scarf and raccoon shy of devolving into grey gardens around here. and truth be told, a head scarf would be an improvement.

streaming on netflix

back stage Po-O

For L.M.

In case you don't follow US politics, that's Jeb Bush, the "smart one".

anyone familiar with girlfriends? on tcm tonight.

rubber biscuit

here you go, jim. you have been knowledged. season 2 of catastrophe is en route.

chantal akerman

Carbonara of the week

roger capron

google image  "hotdog fingers" for various severed finger looking hotdog preparations just in time for halloween!

anyone? anyone?

watching E.O.Wilson - Of Ants and Men 


I found a workaround to the spell check issue with the fancy, new text entry boxes. (Chrome and Firefox won't spell check the text.) If I click on "source", the browsers suddenly remember how to do the squiggly red underline thing.

Harry Smith's paper airplane collection

if i watch the last inning of the mets game as they clinch their first playoff birth since 2006 after not having seen a game in seven years, will the sun still never set on the british empire?

My first campaign came down to one concept: inequality. Inequality in income. Inequality in wealth. Inequality in housing. Inequality in safety. Inequality in opportunity. Inequality in healthcare, even inequality in the air we breathe.

Zero Group

pork, pear, thyme, red onion

When it’s over, it’s over.
Yogi as a personality eclipsed the memory of how good a player he actually was. Another name that was famous before I was born, and have continued to hear throughout my life, now gone; not many of those left.

For MB:

(And yes, the bottom image is spatially distorted.)

After years of sitting vacant, the iconic TWA terminal at JFK Airport will become a hotel.