A hawk (I think? Alex?) on the fire escape across the street.

Pig in a box

shrimp perloo

you know you are in deep when you turn on the tv with your coffee and its a non-us womens water polo event and you say to yourself, "i could watch that." its a lot of grappling underwater which makes me less inclined. its seems to be about who can get away with mauling their opponents the most. that vast blue pool looks pretty inviting.... in theory.

Using data with an unprecedented level of detail, a team of international researchers, including some from Oregon State University, have found that a major earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone is more likely than previously thought.

I have no choice but to keep looking - five years after the tsunami

harry davies

troublemakers (on netflix)

breakfast sweets

Not sure who exactly this would be for, but there was a regular commenter at zerohedge who dropped off the map a couple of months ago. It was a severe blow to my politics, foreign policy, and military information intake. The guy is/was really knowledgeable and a great writer too. I learned so much over the past couple of years from reading his comments. Anyway, after some googling today I just found that he is still a regular commenter, only now at moonofalabama (which I knew - sort of a breakaway crowd from the old billmon blog - but never read religiously.) So happy to be able to read his thoughts again. His name at both sites is PavewayIV. Google can find his words with "site:moonofalabama.org pavewayIV" (and then you can click on Search Tools and then on Anytime to narrow the time range so you only find recent comment threads.) Worth a look if you're interested in geopolitics and suspect that the US MSM might not be teaching you what you should know.


Hi I am new to cinefiles....

Liked this a lot last night....

every goddamned thing in the shed

RIP Jack Davis

usa micro brew roadtrip / how is that a good idea?

For you New Yorkers are looking for something to do this week.

contents of the four seasons on live auction - now live

crazy high end modernism at top prices. (still, it's just restaraunt junk!) digging the generic p johnson stuff


what is the mechanism for catching this moment on camera? 

binged a couple of Roadies, a Cameron Crowe project.  I will probably watch some more. noticing some generic production value problems along the way. It kind of reminds me of Nashville.

NYTimes: "By avoiding originality, In Situ is the most original new restaurant in the country."

Ate at Lilia last night. Wow. Incredible. Super recommended. Go. Right now. Yum.

Brian Eno on the question "What Do You Think About Machines That Think?" (via Kottke)

My untroubled attitude results from my almost absolute faith in the reliability of the vast supercomputer I'm permanently plugged into. It was built with the intelligence of thousands of generations of human minds, and they're still working at it now. All that human intelligence remains alive in the form of the supercomputer of tools, theories, technologies, crafts, sciences, disciplines, customs, rituals, rules-of-thumb, arts, systems of belief, superstitions, work-arounds, and observations that we call Global Civilisation.

Global Civilisation is something we humans created, though none of us really know how. It's out of the individual control of any of us -- a seething synergy of embodied intelligence that we're all plugged into. None of us understands more than a tiny sliver of it, but by and large we aren't paralysed or terrorised by that fact -- we still live in it and make use of it. We feed it problems -- such as "I want some porridge" and it miraculously offers us solutions that we don't really understand. What does that remind you of?

David Chang: The unified theory of deliciousness

MY FIRST BREAKTHROUGH on this idea was with salt. It’s the most basic ingredient, but it can also be hellishly complex. A chef can go crazy figuring out how much salt to add to a dish. But I believe there is an objectively correct amount of salt, and it is rooted in a counterintuitive idea. Normally we think of a balanced dish as being neither too salty nor undersalted. I think that’s wrong. When a dish is perfectly seasoned, it will taste simultaneously like it has too much salt and too little salt. It is fully committed to being both at the same time.