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4 matchs for peep+show:

Just got a tip on two tv shows. peep show and kroll show.

Via E.S.
just got turned on to the inbetweeners sort of a british freaks & geeks with a bit of peep show thrown in for good measure.
if you have a good computer, go to --- full seasons of TV shows
compiled for you tube-like viewing.

My faves are UK shows Peep Show, and Garth Merenghi's Darkplace is a spoof
of UK sci-fi 70s shows with doctors in a supernatural hospital, it's
really hilarious...
via BT
Hey, Bill! "6.4=Make Out" is being reissued! (Brian's probably already heard this.) Neil Strauss's Times story on the great Gary Wilson is on my miscellaneous page. Here's a choice tidbit:

"On Saturday night, I arrived at Mr. Wilson's house to conduct his first interview for publication since the late 1970's. For the last 17 years, it seems, Mr. Wilson, 48, has played keyboards in a lounge act whose members and audience are not familiar with his original music. (Mr. Wilson's father was a jazz bassist who often played hotel lounges.) At midnight he reports to a pornography bookstore and peep show, where he works behind two layers of bullet-proof glass, handling cash and dispensing tokens."

Wilson's LP is amazing; I can't wait to pick it up on CD.