Score one more for the flexitarians:
"A person following a low-fat vegetarian diet, for example, will need less than half (0.44) an acre per person per year to produce their food," said Christian Peters, M.S. '02, Ph.D. '07, a Cornell postdoctoral associate in crop and soil sciences and lead author of the research. "A high-fat diet with a lot of meat, on the other hand, needs 2.11 acres."

"Surprisingly, however, a vegetarian diet is not necessarily the most efficient in terms of land use," said Peters.

The reason is that fruits, vegetables and grains must be grown on high-quality cropland, he explained. Meat and dairy products from ruminant animals are supported by lower quality, but more widely available, land that can support pasture and hay. A large pool of such land is available in New York state because for sustainable use, most farmland requires a crop rotation with such perennial crops as pasture and hay.
test your book knowledge of first lines
Words to live by: "most of it’s been verified by a ‘Freeper’"
Some scientists even suggest that crows are more sophisticated tool builders than chimps, since they can transmit their knowledge on to successive generations and improve the tools over time.

Scroll down the article for interesting Quicktime video of Crow making tool. (unfortunately with annoying sign in)
Comment of the Day
During WWII, the Maqui (French Freedom Fighters) would set charges under the tracks of the trains carrying war material. They'd set the charges and watch. The train would round a bend, the charges would ignite. The train, too late to stop, would hit that damage. Momentum would carry it forward, spilling cargo and people, the line of cars falling off the tracks would crash into the preceding car. Accordionlike the entire lie would eventually be a smoldering pile of debris.

Thompson was like that.
Like many New Yorkers, or probably like anyone who lives in a small space, I have occasional dreams where I find an extra room in my apartment that I never knew existed. I guess it would be even better if the room was filled with rare old wine. And if it wasn't, you know, a dream.
Lease a car in Europe instead of renting and save big money. Minimum 17 days is the only downside, but everything else looks awesome: comprehensive zero deductible insurance, unlimited mileage, and a fresh factory new car exactly to your specifications. For less money than renting.
But I Could Have Been Stabbed By A Trombone

Occasionally there are shooting deaths at these second line parades and its nice to know there are 20 cops left in New Orleans but still...the incident raises interesting questions about the balance between maintaining order and the need to nurture a culture which partly defines the city.

Still others say the incident is a sign of a greater attack on the cultural history of the old city neighborhood by well-heeled newcomers attracted to Treme by the very history they seem to threaten.
chris matthews got horsewhipped (sadly not literally) by jon stewart. sure to be making the rounds tomorrow.
Samsung Unveils Its iPhone Rival
fletcher hanks (about)

via vz)
Microsoft Touts New 'Media Extenders'
phony soldiers
New Yorker: Hersh on the administrations plans for Iran.
Jay Parkinson MD:
I am a new kind of physician. I strictly make house calls either at your home or work. Once you become my patient and I've personally met you, we can also e-visit by video chat, IM and email for certain problems and follow-ups. I'm based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. My fees are very reasonable...

I specialize in young adults age 18 to 40 without traditional health insurance. When you need more than I provide, i make sure you wisely spend your money and pay the lowest price for the highest quality....

I mix the service of an old-time, small town doctor with the latest technology to keep you and your bank account healthy.
Same day or next day appointments; 2 home or work visits per year; unlimited e-visits: $500/year.
Seymour Hersh interview in Spiegel Online.
got this news letter today :
Life imitates Seinfeld:
Authorities said they arrested 10 people and seized more than $500,000 in cash after breaking up a smuggling ring that collected millions of beverage containers in other states and cashed them in for 10 cents apiece in Michigan.
it’s our job to stop them breaking in

I sense a new slogan: "At Apple, stifling third party developers is job 1". Well played, Steve.
It's a small thing, but Domino's really needs to be stopped. An oreo cookie dessert pizza? No no no.

There. I feel much better now.
Do Migratory Birds 'See' The Magnetic Field?
NY Times Dining Out section has a feature article on Portland.
jim/mark et all maybe this is old news

gphone: the bought Andriod in 05 (mobilr phone software), in July bought Grand Central Communications (same phone # for life), filed a patent for a new mobile payment technology.....

Last week in Sehwan, a town in central Sindh, half a million Sufi pilgrams......They are followers, like most Pakistani , of the heterodox Barelvi school of Sunni Islam. And so they whirled, chantd prayers, blew kisses, and smoked massive quantities of dope.....We are so anti-Taliban, claimed Ahmed Bhutto, in a room thick with insence and rose petels. We stand for love, tolerance and the great infinity.....(the economist 9/16)

Motorola Creates WiMax Chipset for Mobile Phones. Says it is more power efficient than current 3G chipsets, and will work with Sprints forthcoming XOHM WiMax network which will start to roll out in test markets by the end of 2007, with much more coverage slated for spring 2008. In short, WiMax means fast data on your mobile phone/computer.

This seems like a much faster time frame than I was expecting for WiMax (I was thinking 2009-2010.) You have any opinions on this Mark?