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6 matchs for homestead:

swedish potato sausage
"THE World's Most Decadent Hamburger" has come to New York. Served at the Old Homestead in - where else? - the Meatpacking District, the $41 sandwich is made of "hand-massaged, beer-fed" kobe beef, "lobster mushrooms" and micro greens on a parmesan twist roll. "It's the world's most incredible beef," boasts owner Marc Sherry. "Each cattle is hand-massaged and beer-fed, so when the meat is slaughtered the fat content and marbling is very high." The fatty feast is costlier than Manhattan's previous record-holders, the $29 dinnertime burger at '21' and the $27 DB Burger at DB Bistro Moderne. -nyp
Charlotte Morman

" I had no difficulty being Korean in America. We were thinking in terms of numbers. This virgin land here was so big that I didn’t have a problem. I could go anywhere. I wanted to do everything. I was like an elephant in a china shop. I could break everything. I was very excited about a revolution with Charlotte Mormon and me. In Germany I was making a kind of “sexable music” and I couldn’t find in Germany an instrumentalist girl who would play nude for me. In Japan I was looking for some nude girls, but at that time, classical music was a middle class thing in Japan. So they were very prudent. So they didn’t understand what I wanted. But Charlotte Mormon was wild oats, a tough girl. So she was a very tough girl; she knew what I was trying to do. America had become a very important art country by then. America was invading Germany and France already and I needed a homeland, to homestead. When I was in New York I came here to SoHo. I lived on Canal street for almost 10 years." -NJP

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