fresh gilmore girls
cross posting real-estate onto the food page : Lower East Side: "Any idea what's happening on Orchard St [near Broome]? There are about 4 storefronts in a row getting gutted simultaneously. Couldn't possibly be a coincidence, right? One (or more?) of them will be a Mexican joint called El Bocadito - any idea about the others?"
country boys on 13?
"The Yellow Peril, generated great public antipathy."

too yellow (i like the sculpture graffiti)
don't forget stamps cost 39 cents today.
know your cliches.
someone has a "told ya so" come to them. not my space.
pranks alot
zardoz anyone?
Clinton Street Winter Lights Festival photos. I think Time Out is going to do a blurb on this in the next issue.
then came bronson on spike - now
cataloging your stuff made easy. this looks pretty cool. (from maud.) i'd be curious to hear from anyone who is using it.
Last night: a remarkable meal at Paul Liebrandt's (formerly of Atlas and Papillon) Gilt (housed in the former Le Cirque 2000 space in the New York Palace Hotel). It sometimes seems silly to talk about food, even more so when it is really good. But suffice it to say he manages to walk the razor's edge with his tasting menu, swerving from the opulent (table side service of a whole giant lobe of foie gras encrusted in a shiny shell of beet), to the sublime (a truly elevated use of spices reminding one how small our lexicon of these powerful adverbs has become.) Go if you can eat without check fear. Desserts and wine fail to live up to Liebrandt's cooking, so if not tasting and wine pairing, save on expenditure in theses departments. We went to Cru first to get our inebriation on (Gilt's list makes Cru seem like a dream bargain).
smells like new jersey
has anyone succumbed to lost? been hearing some interesting things. might be better on dvd.
ive been hailing mythbusters of late. two hour block presently on the discover channel.
comprehensive summary of abramoff scandal players from center for american progress. and not to be outdone, ariel sharon has his own gambling/bribery case brewing.

censoring chinese-language blogs
15 minutes of fame: web accessible archive of all US and Canadian news broadcasts from the first 15 minutes after impact one on 9/11. Actual archive is here although it appears to be down now (probably from the recent link on
Any tips for where I might find reviews of AAC ripping SW for PCs? (I'm late to the MP3 party, and think I'll go ahead and skip a generation.)
strangers with candy on com now
how often can you watch dumb and dumber? extreme houses on hgtv at 1
charlie is a great hangover listen. he actually uses the acu-playlist feature which updates in real time. hes also the only dj to play songs off of the dick shawn sings with the kids album i donated to the station. charlie, a real good comfort listen. happy new years. bloody mary morning ? -willie nelson (no relation)
soundtrack of the century: leslie gore 13 now
american art on ch13 now 2 - 4 pm