nice chart
proposition h8

my computer is right, it is an hour earlier as of today.
8 hour wait to early vote in georgia today
Halloween Devotional

My Mother died a year and a day ago, so this is my last day of mourning.
In recognition I’m posting this video of John Cale’s Paris 1919, which I know she liked because it was one of the few records she bought both on vinyl and CD; I’m now in possession of both copies. Great live performance with full orchestra.
You’re a ghost, la, la, la…
my hood is buggin
James Beard-award winning chef Grant Achatz and sous vide guru Nathan Myhrvold will explore the ways that science and technology are transforming our notions of food. (audio available at link)
why is it ok for a school district to bus in all their kids to a mccain rally?
May we all do so well in the coming recession.
i watched the 30 min. obama spot last night. my only concern is that with a big spend like that, mcpalin can use the underdog possition to gain sympathy votes. i love how it was ok for republicans to have a president and a congressional majority for 6 years and now its a scare tactic against dem sweeps. there wouldnt have been such a sea shift now if there had been less republican party line lock step voting in '04 when it was already clear bush was taking the country on a neocon joyride.
no its not just you. joe the plumber does look like jeff gannon
pretty good use of athletes in an ad. best not to let them near an open mic.

bay ridge food co-op
six point craft ales
billyball tonight on tcm.
the king of kong (2007)

incredibly two people nearly instantaneously came up with this realization about a new character on a geeky show i watch. dont know which is sadder, them realizing it or me mentioning it. anyone that considers spies like us a classic is definitely lamer than me. they win.
"Emmett Millbarge?" Hmmm...

I thought the name sounded familiar until I realized it was a mash-up of the two main characters from the 80's classic "Spies Like Us" with Donna Dixon and Vanessa Angel. Ah, memories... Oh yeah, Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase were in it too. (Yes kids, Chevy Chase used to appear in classics.) Chase was Emmett Fitz-Hume and Aykroyd was Austin Millbarge, the lead characters, but it was hard for a 19 year old to notice them when either of those women were on screen.
ms amanda jones age 109 daughter of slave votes obama in bastrop tx

not that would have been living!!
For Jiml at least: Netflix begins testing streaming service for Macs. Should be available to everyone by the end of the year.
bill ayers jr.

get ready for February
ok, this use of the term villagers is cropping up a lot lately. is it just digby or is it in much broader use? i presume they are using it in the frankenstein or is it frankenstien villager sense.
waasup 08