there isnt a new sitcom this fall that has made any impact but i finally got around to the fx show youre the worst that aired this summer and i am giving it my trademarked two thumbs up. dont believe me? then listen to what this professional tv watching person has to say and then just ignore us both.

Bill Lynch
The Cornell bird lab
torturous timbers match tonight with 22 shot on goal but no score. and we missed the wedding which happened two sections over. we were a bit too close to the timbers army and after the ref didn't call a handball against the other team at the end, ryley and his buddy got caught in a beer shower.

breadmaking 101

mission accompliced!

astronauts photos from space station.

keep your avocados from browning

my bloody vegetable

Brewster McCloud (full movie)
enjoyed the Nance on PBS.
seduced and abandoned.

working my way through far from a madding crowd. also recently dvred shampoo so im officially having a julie christie moment.

Where can I get fancy mushrooms in NYC?

Pier Vittorio Aureli to Exhibit 30 ‘Non-Compositional’ Drawings in London


might go in for this one tonight on espn at 9 -- playing for the mob -- a 30 for 30 documentary about a point shaving scandal at boston college in the 80s. apparently the ray liotta character from goodfellas was involved and liotta does the narration.

not a big horror fan but id like to imagine david cronenberg brought something unique to the genre beyond splatter. saw the brood among his credits when i was looking up his imdb page while watching his latest maps of the stars and just saw that it was playing this month on showtime. penciled it in for mid-month but caught a few moments while waiting for the homeland season 4 premiere to start which i missed the first run of last night.

This almost got by me: TCM has the Cartoons of Winsor McCay tonight at 8:00 very very worthy sushi in Boulder, of the owner owns 3 restaurants in Japan and fly's in the fish....hamachi belly was grand cru

have a cuppa tea

i had never heard of thief, the directorial debut from michael mann, but the maker of the movie drive certainly had. ive never been a huge fan of mann but his style is undeniable. to be honest i didnt make it past the midway point of the movie but that had more to do with my discomfort sitting on the couch than a dislike of the content.

if you are not tired of period gangster anti-heroes, theres one in a newish british drama set in 1919 birmingham called peaky blinders. ive only watched the first episode but im bullish at the moment. the first season is available on netflix while the second one just got underway.