post war abstraction 


As an NSFC member, I was happy to vote in favor of this award. Few curatorial entities preserve cinema history while presenting it to a mass audience; of those, only TCM has the backing of a major media company. That’s why I fear we could lose it — and why the broader efforts to preserve film history also face peril.

better than i thought it would be

he went on an emotional postgame journey.

145 movies streaming free from kino lorber on youtube.

Sister Coreta 

Wavelength, 1967

RIP Michael Snow 1929-2023

Matty M

Three Minutes: A Lengthening

Watching Slow Horses, watched  Sr., Nope, Glass Onion, Doc Martin Christmas special. 

one of these people died. 

the amazon algorithm really has got my number. love to know the magic confluence of searches that inspired this to show up on my home page.

Stranded in Canton

havent been back to the corner "luncheonette" in a while. i hestitate to call it a luncheonette as the counter is pretty much non-existent but you can pull up a stool or two to a counter or eat standing in a few spots around the wall. not a lot of space though. i dont want to eat there anyway but worth noting! my few other forays have been uninspired and not wanting to spend much these days ive avoided it but i knew eventually i had to get the breakfast burrito and today was that day. and it pretty much did not disappoint.


Soy to the world. Phoenix bean, Chicago 

 Grosvenor / nickas 

so chill

Best Wishes for the Winter Solstice and all of its Attendant Holidays



Christmas Card Garden