the open video project
i need to listen no more...
Lovevibe Album of the Year:
Gillian Welch "Soul Journey"
had not been to Green Market in a while, the great grape team was there, its one of the season's treats to eat a 1/2 dozen types of just harvested grapes, yahoo to fall......
disney + dali = destino
1-0 Sox
How embarrassing for California!
last night game was the most nerve racking of my life.....
GO RED SOX!!!......
Speaking of cat problems, how about the guy who raised a tiger and a 5-foot caiman (alligator-like reptile) in a Harlem public housing apartment? (Sorry for the web-hostile Times link.) Has this been on TV yet? It almost reads like an April Fools story. I'm guessing Rush Limbaugh and his ilk will have a field day with it.
well, i'm not the only one with cat problems
franklin furnace - the future of the present
Lucinda rocked the Beacon, it was our 4th+ show, awesome but high toned/intimate with more vocal/acoustic than rockin, I deff prefer the garden show from this year (we were just as close seat wise) as she had a big space to impress so she had to rock it, same as the show at Roseland during the Car Wheels Gravel Road tour, electric lady land, still like a great restaurant or special wine, I cant wait to taste again.....
vintage steel furniture nice.
Dear MoveOn member,

According to the Washington Post, "two top White House officials" committed a high crime in the first weeks of July. They handed over the identity of an American secret agent to journalists. They blew her cover, risking the lives of colleagues and contacts and possibly erasing years of intelligence work. Why? "Purely and simply for revenge," an administration official told the Post. The spy's husband was a vocal critic of the Iraq war. (Sources below.)

The White House and the Justice Department have known about this crime for months -- after all, the agent's identity was published in scores of newspapers in early July. But until a few days ago, they did nothing about it. And even now, President Bush has said he has no plans to ask his staff whether they were connected to it.

Republicans contend that an investigation by the Justice Department will reveal any wrongdoing. But Justice Department chief John Ashcroft -- who was appointed by President Bush and who employed key Bush advisor Karl Rove -- is hardly neutral. Already, there are signs that the investigation will give the White House room to cover the crime up.

The simple fact is that the truth will only come out under pressure. If we don't speak up now, the investigation could be left in John Ashcroft's hands, and the perpetrators and the crime could be swept under the rug. Please tell John Ashcroft and Congress that you want a special prosecutor -- someone who isn't tied to the Bush Administration -- to investigate this illegal and vindictive act.

Join us now

cont'd in comment
thomas keller interviewed in nyo
broke down from my dinner of apple juice with ginger to eat a small plate of linda's chicken curry and rice, both from the curry source shop was tasty and not that unhealty, still I dreamt of bacon, crunchy slices smokie and juicy (i blame it on the ginger and spice).....
Eric Raymond describes the libertarian Free State Project:
The Free State Project identified ten small states where 20,000 active libertarians would be a critically large voting bloc. They are signing up libertarians and like-minded people to vote on the target state and to move there when the group passes 20,000. The winning state will be announced on 1st October; they've signed up about 5400 people so far, on a classic exponential growth curve with a six-month doubling time that should get them there in late 2004.

What could be more American than migrating to a thinly-settled area to experiment with liberty?
Here is the data on potential states from the website.
Breakfast is one juiced grapefruit added to 2 liters of water.

Lunch is Irish Oats slow cooked, adding 2 oz of yogurt, 1/2 banana, few raisons and some fiber (omega 3/6/9 tablets and also a tab of folic acid)

Dinner is beans, grain, tofu, rice, greens, hummus, etc (good old hippie food)
Exersize: I get burned out kwik so I am easing in, riding bike (stationary)15 minutes in the morning and 10 min's at nite....6.5 miles.....hope to get to 30 morning and 15 nite (12 miles)....
Detox: I didnt think that it would be this hard, cranky yes but not the deep cold inside from lacking the fuel of pig fat and the gigantic waves of acid, reservoirs built strong for the 4000+ calorie daily desolve routine........
renewable brooklyn