incredibly two people nearly instantaneously came up with this realization about a new character on a geeky show i watch. dont know which is sadder, them realizing it or me mentioning it. anyone that considers spies like us a classic is definitely lamer than me. they win.
"Emmett Millbarge?" Hmmm...

I thought the name sounded familiar until I realized it was a mash-up of the two main characters from the 80's classic "Spies Like Us" with Donna Dixon and Vanessa Angel. Ah, memories... Oh yeah, Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase were in it too. (Yes kids, Chevy Chase used to appear in classics.) Chase was Emmett Fitz-Hume and Aykroyd was Austin Millbarge, the lead characters, but it was hard for a 19 year old to notice them when either of those women were on screen.
ms amanda jones age 109 daughter of slave votes obama in bastrop tx

not that would have been living!!
For Jiml at least: Netflix begins testing streaming service for Macs. Should be available to everyone by the end of the year.
bill ayers jr.

get ready for February
ok, this use of the term villagers is cropping up a lot lately. is it just digby or is it in much broader use? i presume they are using it in the frankenstein or is it frankenstien villager sense.
waasup 08

cheeseburger donut

via vz

John McCain, who has harshly criticized the idea of sitting down with dictators without pre-conditions, appears to have done just that. In 1985, McCain traveled to Chile for a friendly meeting with Chile's military ruler, General Augusto Pinochet, one of the world's most notorious violators of human rights credited with killing more than 3,000 civilians and jailing tens of thousands of others.

The private meeting between McCain and dictator Pinochet has gone previously un-reported anywhere.

According to a declassified U.S. Embassy cable secured by The Huffington Post, McCain described the meeting with Pinochet "as friendly and at times warm, but noted that Pinochet does seem obsessed with the threat of communism." McCain, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee at the time, made no public or private statements critical of the dictatorship, nor did he meet with members of the democratic opposition in Chile, as far as could be determined from a thorough check of U.S. and Chilean newspaper records and interviews with top opposition leaders
had no idea...
So I'm watching the Bee Movie. A talking bee I can buy; a swarm of bees suspending a wide-body jet, sure; but a florist who can afford a penthouse on Central Park? That just makes no sense.
sorta creepy, but earnest.

unhappy trails
Deep Thought

Really shoulda gone with the 'O'...

mouse teddy bear
Oh, and it occurs to me that the last time Republicans had a big emphasis on plumbers it had to do with breaking and entering and grand theft. - juan cole
timesline of endorsements.
first nate silver, now this.sabermetrics invades the body politic. moneyball for the masses. just dont tell anyone that billy beane has been as successful at capturing the crown as his two co-conspirators.
where does on buy URL's?
Taschen: Arts & Architecture, 1945-54: The Complete Reprint
goldwater family endorses disses mccain. and little scotty mcclellan which is not really a surprise. so hes got the goldwaters and the eisenhowers. the balls in your court, nancy reagan!
first episode of 30 rock posted a week before broadcast.
n00bs r funee

D recently got a Blackberry (thanks for thinking about my stock price there), and is doing the text thing. So I've been kinda doin teh leet thing in my responses.

Last night while watchin' the tube ... "What's 'eighteen are bye'?" "Wha?" "What's 'eighteen are bye'?" "Snork. Um. That's not a 'one', that's an 'L'." "Oh. What's 'elle eight are bye'?" "Say it faster."

l8r bai