This weekend I watched High Anxiety and The Elephant Man

another civil rights leader has passed. rip, regis philbin.

there was some article on eater about the provenence of the food timeline but too lazy to find it.

the arthouse cinema on ludlow, metrograph, has gone online with screenings for the time being. free week trial. 5 bucks a month. some live screenings, others vod.

get the feeling they were trying to get this out of the way and get on with the start of the baseball season but baseball players are not among the more woke of professional athletes.

author of the white trash cook book one and two

quiet quite a little thunderstorm we are having. is it summer already?

Covid times soccer watching?

The Federal Police Operations Will Not Stay In Portland


Estimates vary, but analysts Gregg Girvan and Avik Roy found that as of June 29, 50,779 of the 113,135 US deaths from Covid-19 (or 45 percent) were deaths of residents of nursing or long-term care facilities. Their numbers suggest that about 2.5 percent of all nursing home residents have been killed by the disease; in New Jersey, which is particularly hard hit, the share is over 11 percent.

worthy talk

Riot Ribs PDX

these cake vids have been making the rounds. 

good morning, sunshine

by all accounts you wont have the washington redskins to kick around much longer. dont know what portends for the braves and indians. a lot of call for renaming them the redtails which sounds a lot like its precursor and ticks off some pc boxes by honoring the tuskeegee airmen. also seeing many cloven hooves up for hogs which is a nickname for the teams offensive line from back in the 80s. already imagining the "hogs slaughtered" headlines. can the redtails be plucked or is that racist? birdist? ableist? everything seems to be ableist on some level. got your favorite stupid dc-related name? swamp rats, filibusters, lobbyist, establishment. my only hope is that the washington monugents get to sing at opening day. and if its at an empty stadium all the better. 

i was able to recognize 45 of 62. this image was tagged because theres only one black person, lou gossett jr. (answer in comments)

new fav covid website